The Sky Beyond the Clouds
2021 Jessie Siu Solo Exhibition 2021

Exhibition Date 展覽日期: 05.08.2021 – 11.09.2021 Venue: Lucie Chang Fine Arts Address
地址: Unit C, 12/F, Gee Chang Hong Centre, 65 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, HK (MTR Exit A) Tue - Sat 10am - 7pm Tel:+852 2546 8128 Fax:+852 2546 8028
L+/Lucie Chang Fine Arts is pleased to announce the opening of the 2021 Solo Exhibition "The Sky Beyond the Clouds" by Jessie Siu in collaboration with HK Society for the Protection of Children, as a part of the Summer Program held by HK Art Gallery Association. Looking up into the sky, even when it is filled with clouds, we know that beyond the clouds the big blue sky is always there. According to Buddhism, the nature of the mind is like the clear blue sky, limitless and infinite. However, it is darkened by clouds of ignorance and the three toxic emotions, blocking the bright light of inner wisdom. In this exhibition, Hong Kong-based artist Jessie Siu examines why our mind is clouded and explores ways that clear away those clouds of greed, anger, and selfishness to uncover a state of perfection that is, and always has been, our own true nature. L+/ Lucie Chang Fine Arts will be working with emerging artist Jessie Siu through the HKAGA open call for young art talents for the Summer Programme. Jessie Siu, a postgraduate in Philosophy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is a self-taught painter, who did not formally study art, and sees herself more as a philosopher with the wings of a painter. To Jessie, art to this disciple of wisdom is a means to the acquisition of truth, moral improvement, and the overcoming of self.
L+ / Lucie Chang Fine Arts 很榮幸於舉辦 2021 蕭靜知 Jessie Siu 個 展覽: Beyond the Clouds,與 港保護兒童會合作,作為 港畫廊協會的暑期計劃。 仰望天空,即使烏云密布,我們也知道,在雲層之外,總有 藍天。 佛教認為, 的本質 就如湛藍的天空,無邊無際。 然 ,它卻被莫名的烏雲和三種消極的情緒所籠罩,擋住了內 在智慧的光明。 在本次展覽中, 港藝術家 Jessie 探討我們的 會被烏雲密布的原因,並探 究消除貪婪、憤怒和 私的 法,以帶出其實我們所追求的完美 直都是我們 的最真實 本性。 蕭靜知 (Jessie Siu), 港中 學哲學系研究 , 學成才的畫家。 她從 2018 年開始接 觸佛教,佛教的哲學 直是她作品中反復出現的主題,藝術創作亦成為她冥想練習的 種。 她堅信,當畫筆的尖端在畫布上移動時,她同時也在兩個現實之間穿梭,總有 天她會到達 終極真理之地。 為了突破畫布的平 和靜 的局限,Jessie 不斷探索各式各樣的繪畫 格和 所使 的媒介。 她以創新的繪畫 法 聞名,創造出如繪畫般的雕塑,如雕塑般的繪畫。