Bursting Bold: Solo Exhibition of Merijn Kavelaars
You are cordially invited to Bursting Bold: Solo Exhibition of Merijn Kavelaars.
The very first Hong Kong solo exhibition of Dutch artist Merijn Kavelaars, titled Bursting Bold, will showcase a body of fundamental multi-media works by Kavelaars, involving his most recent paper works and prints, and monumental canvas pieces. Kavelaars employs vigorously spontaneous, rebellious style of painting inspired by the CoBrA Group Movement, and takes aspect of the everyday experience and how we interact with the environment and transform them into the platforms of making art.
In celebration of “Dutch Days in Hong Kong” organized by the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Asia Week Hong Kong, and to fully demonstrate the artist’s earnest and energetic approach to site-specific art making, the exhibition will also be accompanied by a large-scale mural work, aiming to provide the elements of interaction, entertainment and festivities.
Supported by the charitable organization Save the Children, a workshop and artist talk is scheduled in the gallery on April 28th, 2018, with all profits contributed towards the support of children in developing countries.
Lucie Chang Fine Arts誠摯的邀請您參加「Bursting Bold: Merijn Kavelaars個展」。
此次展覽系荷蘭駐華領事館與香港亞洲文化週攜手合作舉辦的「香港荷蘭文化節」的重要活動之一。畫廊邀請荷蘭藝術家Merijn Kavelaars展出第一次亮相香港、具有爆破與勇氣的九件作品。其創作方式之多樣,從其深受歐洲CoBrA art movement影響的布面丙烯作品,至藝術家最新裝作的紙製作品以及絲網印刷作品,更有牆面塗鴉的藝術創作形式。
為了能夠更深入的了解藝術家的創作核心,Lucie Chang Fine Arts也配合慈善機構「救助兒童會」於四月二十八日在畫廊舉辦工作坊以及邀請藝術家親自分享自身藝術創作緣起。
Opening Night: 19 April 2018 Thursday 6:30 pm
Workshop Event & Artist Talk: 28 April 2018 Saturday
Exhibition Period: 19 April 2018 - 19 May 2018
Venue: Lucie Chang Fine Arts, No. 26, Tai Ping Shan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Selected Artworks
Nihao Miauw
Acrylic and Chinese Ink on Canvas
160x140 cm
Acrylic and Ink on Paper
29.5x42 cm